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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church

of Rensselaer, IN!

While we love God with heart, mind, and soul we are seeking to learn how God is leading us to love and serve Rensselaer and the world.



We are a Presbyterian church responding to new mission frontiers presented by our changing culture. Guided by our Lord Jesus Christ,

we love, serve and embrace

all people.

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Sunday Service

Church Service is at: 9:30 am CST

Get a preview of this week's service!

Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
Luke 13:1-9

Weekly Events and More


5:00 - 6:30 pm

Our “FPC 9-ers” Youth group, named for the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit in the Bible, meet at 5:00 - 6:30 pm on Wednesdays, under the direction of our Youth Minister Stephanie Davisson. They begin with supper together, and then enjoy singing, crafts, Bible study, and prayer.


Stained glass window hanging

Get Involved

If you like to volunteer we have several opportunities.

Our church periodically staffs the Good Samaritan Food Pantry, so that working poor people can be helped. Contact us for the next opportunity to serve.

If you like to sing we have a strong music program led by our Music Director Stephanie Davisson.

If you like to study the Bible we have a group that meets Tuesday evenings. We also have occasional adult studies which follow worship on Sundays from 10:45-11:30 am.

Topics may include prayer, the Bible and various current issues.

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